Are you using all the trading education resources at your fingertips? I don’t think you are. And it’s really starting to frustrate me.
Today in chat, someone actually asked one of my top students, “When should I be looking to get out of this trade?” During market hours. In the Trading Challenge chat room…
In other words, they got into a trade with no plan. No idea what they’re doing. SMH.
That is NOT what I teach.
Table of Contents
A Strategy That Could Change Your Life

Millionaire Media, LLCMy strategy has the potential to change your life with trading. But too many people want to just make a lot of money right away.
We all want to be free. That’s what drove me as a teenager. I wanted the fast cars and the millions. I was just a middle-class kid from Connecticut.
And I want that for you. But I gotta tell you … some of the questions I’m getting from people tell me you need to do a…
Mirror Check
If you think you’re gonna get rich by following hot tips or alerts, you’re crazy. I’m not saying you can’t make a little money from the right kind of alerts. I have a newsletter where really busy people get one pick per week.
But it’s not a sure thing. Plus…
Even my Supernova Alerts subscribers know they have to study. My picks aren’t always gonna be right. And you have to know what to do if the trade goes against you.
It truly blows my mind when someone asks a question in chat when the answer is in a free video. Or one of my blog posts. Or one of my free guides. But they haven’t even bothered to search for the answer. They want it handed to them on a silver platter without paying the price of time and STUDYING.
Then they take another loss and wonder why. Some people do it over and over again. You know what that is, right?
The Definition of Insanity
You’ve heard the old adage…
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
If you’re still hoping for some magic button…
… or the ability to download the trading education you need…
You might want to reconsider whether trading is for you.
I’m Taking Crazy Pills
Do you really want this? Because if you do, then you need to get off your butt and get busy. There’s SO MUCH opportunity in the markets right now.
More Breaking News
- D-Wave’s Quantum Leap: Stock Prices Skyrocket
- Reddit’s Stock Swing: Buying Opportunity?
- Bitfarms’ Expansion: New Heights or Bubble?
My Goal vs. Your Goal
What’s your goal? Seriously. I want you to answer that right now because if you don’t know … if you don’t have some kind of an idea … you’re in trouble.
More about your goals in a sec. I’ll help you with it.
First … my goal. Because it’s clear as day. It’s so clear and so crisp I can see it. And it involves you…
My goal is to be the mentor to you that I never had. I see your freedom. When you come back to me and say, “Thank you, Tim … I did it…”
Then I’ll feel like I’ve done my job.
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) June 14, 2020
Now for your goal.
Take Your Trading Education Seriously

Millionaire Media, LLCStart asking good questions. Too many of you are asking questions you can find the answer to in so many places I want to pull my hair out. My team and I work our butts off to create trading education resources for you. And you’re asking, “When should I buy?” or “When should I sell?”
If you’re asking one of my top students … during market hours when they’re trying to trade…
“When should I be looking to get out of this trade?”
Then you need to study. You need to…
Become a Self-sufficient Trader
Hot picks won’t help you. Being told when to get in or out won’t help you. Making excuses won’t help you.
Watching TV? Not gonna help you.
Playing video games? Sorry, that won’t help you either.
Following my alerts … or any other trader’s alerts? Nope.
Questions? Go back to the mirror check section above…
Rant over. Now that you’re willing to take this seriously, PLEASE, take advantage of these…
3 Trading Education Resources You Should Be Using
Trading Education Basics
“The Complete Penny Stock Course”
It never ceases to amaze me how many people underestimate this book.
I often underestimate stocks … I sell too soon. It’s not a bad thing, I’m happy to take my single, lock in profits, and move on to the next trade.
But if you have this book and haven’t read it … you’re an idiot. I say that with love in my heart. But I mean it. Read the book!
Every day, students ask me at least 10 questions that they could find the answer to by reading the book.
Questions like…
“Tim, how do you find stocks?” That’s in Chapter II.9 — Building a Watchlist and Doing Research (page 205).
“Tim, how do I know when to get in and out of a trade?” You can find that in Chapter II.10 — Entries and Exits (page 221).
“Tim, how do I know whether news is good or bad?” That topic is covered in Chapter II.7 — Understanding Catalysts (page 183)…
“Tim, what’s a #5 that everyone in chat keeps talking about?” Study that in Chapter IV.7 — Timothy Sykes’s 7-Step Pennystocking Framework (page 369).
Do I need to go on? I think not.
Get the book. Read the book. Study the book. Memorize the book…
Here’s another trading education resource you NEED right now. And it won’t cost you a penny…
“The Volatility Survival Guide”
This market came out of nowhere. I was looking for a market crash. But the market crashed, and now there are more plays than ever. So I take what I can get. One day at a time. No days off.
When it became clear that volatility was off the charts, I put together this guide. It’s no cost to you. You’ll need to submit an email address, so technically it’s not free. But come on … it’s a two-hour guide to help you survive and thrive in this market.
It won’t teach you the information you’ll get from reading “The Complete Penny Stock Course.” But it will help you to apply it in the current market.
Here’s what you’ll learn in “The Volatility Survival Guide”…
Why volatility is your friend. My students and I love it. Without this crazy market volatility, I wouldn’t be having my best month in years.
What makes a penny stock move? It’s not fundamentals … and it has nothing to do with finding the next big thing. Or the company with the best new product…
How to find the best stocks … FAST! This is so important. So many of my plays recently have come from one source. Don’t overlook the importance of tools for your trading success.
How my top students are banking in this crazy market. And since the guide came out, some of them have hit HUGE profit milestones. But only because they’re prepared…
Access “The Volatility Survival Guide” here.
Trading Challenge
The Trading Challenge is my most complete, most comprehensive, most thorough trading education resource. (Apply for the Trading Challenge here.)
When I turned a few thousand into a few million, people called me lucky or special, but now that more & more of my top students are achieving this seemingly impossible feat, while showing EVERY TRADE publicly, realize it's not due to luck or being special, it's strategy/hard work
— Timothy Sykes (@timothysykes) June 14, 2020
But check this out … because sometimes I feel like I’m taking crazy pills even with my Challenge students…
Why? Because if you’re lucky enough to get in, you have…
Access to ALL the Trading Education Resources You Need
And I still get questions … or Tim Grittani gets questions … or Jack Kellogg gets questions like…
“When should I be looking to get out of this trade?”
Seriously? Read the book. Watch the DVDs. Watch the archived webinars. And watch the thousands of video lessons.
By all means…
… ask questions.
But ask questions that will help you become a self-sufficient trader. Don’t insult me with a question about when you should get out. The question is, why did you get in a trade without making a trading plan? Again, read “The Complete Penny Stock Course.”
Additional Trading Education Resources
You have no excuse. I don’t care if you don’t have enough money even to buy Jamil’s book today. Because my team and I spend countless hours creating resources for you. Free resources. Use them. Consume them. Become obsessed.
FREE Penny Stock Guide
This is the updated version of my Penny Stock 101 guide. There’s SO much information there. It blows my mind that more people don’t read this, bookmark it, and come back to it. Do you understand everything in that guide? (Mirror check.)
My Weekly Watchlist
Every Sunday I send out a watch list of roughly five stocks I’m watching. Learn from the watchlist. Why am I watching them? What would it take to trade these stocks? Don’t just ignore the email. Open it. Read it. Pull up the charts on StocksToTrade and STUDY. (Mirror check.)
You have access to over 1,400 of my free videos and counting. Watch one or two a day and take notes. You might be surprised how much you can learn. If you’re persistent and dedicated … (Mirror check.)
Millionaire Mentor Market Wrap
This market is insane. It’s the best market we’ve seen in years. And STILL, I’m finding the time to write this. During market hours. While trading. Why?
Because I want you to get it. I can see your freedom. I can see you finally taking full responsibility for your trading education. YOU have the time. And YOU have an abundance of resources. YOU have the ability to make a decision — right now.
But then YOU need to do a mirror check every single day. Because it’s a marathon. Not a sprint.
Now go take it on.
Are you taking advantage of every trading education resource possible? Let me know below and set a commitment. I love to hear from all my readers. Let’s do this…
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