Karmagawa means to make your own destiny with good deeds. The more good deeds you do, the more positive your destiny. This is a concept that allows you to change your destiny
When Mat Abad and I teamed up to create Karmagawa, we had one idea and one mission…
Table of Contents
Let’s Change the World Together
It seems crazy how much we’ve done and how far we’ve come. But we’re only scratching the surface.
On September 10, we were featured on the Forbes website in this article:
Karmagawa’s Timothy Sykes Says Philanthropy Will Change Your Business
We’re honored to be featured on Forbes. But more importantly, I believe the title of the article. With all my heart. Not only will philanthropy change your business, it will change your life.
I hope you read the article. But if you really want change, embrace its message and take action. That’s what this is about. Action.
Why Karmagawa
Karmagawa is a compound word. I bet you have some idea what karma means. If asked, most people will say “Oh, karma is when something you’ve done comes back to you later. Like, if you’re mean, something bad will happen to you…”
And that’s kinda right. But I want to clarify because it’s super important.
Karma is also a compound word. Kar means to do. Ma means me or myself. So yes, karma is the result of one’s actions. But it’s even more direct than that. Karma is what I do to myself.
Gawa also means to do and comes from the Tagalog language of the Philippines.
Put them together and you get: all I do, I do to myself. Another way of thinking about it is my destiny is created by that which I do.
That’s why we created Karmagawa. To change the world together. To create our destiny with good deeds. And we want you to do the same. Make your own positive destiny by doing more good deeds.
How to Change Your Business With Karmagawa
Social media has changed the world. Like most amazing technological developments throughout history, it’s a double-edged sword. And, like all double-edged swords, you get to choose.
Your choice is which side will you cut with — positive or negative? I know, I say all the time…
“We’re all different and it’s not an exact science.”
In trading and in life that’s true. But I also know you have a choice every day. Several choices.
What message or messages do you send out into the world? And what messages do you allow in from outside?
Positive … or negative?
Everyone I talk with is passionate about something. Tell a story about your passion. Give it a voice, spread it using social media. That’s what we do with Karmagawa.
We tell stories about endangered animals, reefs, and children eager for education. Stories of homelessness, children in need, and rescue animals go viral on social media. Our narratives spread a message of action, investment, and hope.
You can do the same. A small donation to a cause you’re passionate about, shared on social media, brings exposure to the cause.
The Ripple Effect
When we created the rhino video, our mission was to make the world award of this shameful practice. But when it went viral, it gave charities like VETPAW much needed recognition for the work they do. Telling the story brought donations. It was greater than awareness alone.
When we created the Save the Reef documentary, our mission was to bring awareness. In just over three months, “50 Minutes to Save the World” has nearly four million views. Again, we used storytelling to make it engaging.
You can do this, too.
I don’t know where you are on your journey. Maybe you’ve made your millions like me and you’re ready to give back. Or perhaps you’ve just started in business — the foot of the path to freedom. Wherever you are on the journey, I want to emphasize that money won’t make you happy.
It can only give you freedom. For happiness, you need to embrace the right mindset. Karmagawa is about embracing the right mindset from the beginning.
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Harness the Power of Social Media
Building my teaching business taught me about the power of social media. It taught me that transparency means something. Honest storytelling gets people interested. Yes, I’ve been brash in the past. But it was storytelling to get people’s attention. Some people need to see fast cars and crazy travel pictures to ignite the fires of possibility.
You probably follow me because you want freedom. I want that for you. But my hope today is to impress upon you the power to create your own destiny. And the power of the tools available to you.
It doesn’t matter where you are on your journey right now.
If you own a profitable business, find a good cause — one you’re passionate about — and give. It doesn’t have to be big. Give and then share it on social media. Make others aware.
If you’re a full-time trader, you can find something positive you’re passionate about. Something to give energy to when you’re not sitting in front of the screen watching level 2.
Even if you’re not yet in business…
… or you’re a student…
… there’s something you can do to help shape the world’s future. And your destiny.
If enough people get involved in charity it can — and will — change the world. Especially if you harness the power of social media.
When You Choose, Choose Well
Just remember, it’s a double-edged sword. Spread awareness. Give time or money or both. But be wary of going down the rabbit hole of negativity. It’s easy to do. Believe in change rather than hopelessness. Bring hope to those who have no voice. Bring hope to children who don’t have the opportunities you have. But stay away from hate.
Karmagawa isn’t about me and Mat. It’s about you. Even if you don’t support the charities we support, you can take our idea and use it. Create your positive destiny by doing good deeds. It’s not complex. The question is, will you do it?
How to Change Your Destiny
We all have things we’re passionate about. And unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have social media accounts. You have people who are interested in you. Use those connections to spread the word about good causes.
You don’t have to be offensive. And you don’t need to be self-righteous. Just find a good cause you believe in, give of yourself, and share it. You’d be amazed how quickly things like this spread.
Oh, and if you’re worried about how others might look at you…
What will matter in the end? Seriously. I know that’s a blunt question to ask. But what will matter in the end? Will you have regrets? Or will you be proud of what you’ve done? I’m proud of every penny I’ve made trading stocks. And I’m proud of what I’ve accomplished as a teacher.
But I’m most proud of the work Mat and I do with Karmagawa. I’m proud of the work we continue to do.
I want you to be proud, as well.
Social Media and the Internet Open the World
Some people are reading this right now thinking “Oh, that’s great for YOU, Tim. You’ve already made millions. You don’t know what MY life is like. You don’t know ME. I can’t do what you’re doing.”
If that’s you, it’s time to pull your head out. Sorry for the little bit of tough love. But wake up! You have greater opportunity and a bigger voice than ever in history.
Someone once said, “the internet is the great equalizer.” Once upon a time, we said that about education. Both statements are correct, and both are wrong. See, you have to make a decision. Which side of the double-edged sword will you wield in battle?
The internet and social media open the world to you. They can give you access. You have a voice. You can learn anything you want from the internet. So it’s opened up education for those with access. But the power to utilize the internet and social media … that’s inside of you.
You choose what to allow in … and you choose what to put out.
Karmagawa: Infinity and Beyond
It’s all about giving back to others. The reason the Karmagawa logo is an infinity symbol is because what you put out comes back to you. Some say the energy you give off returns. First, your energy ripples out into the world, and then it comes back.
When you change your mindset, you change your attitude. Then you really start to think about other people around you. You start to consider the effects of your actions on others … AND how that will come back.
You don’t have to start big. It could be something as simple as helping a homeless person with a meal. Maybe it’s helping someone cross the street. Or giving your time to listen when someone needs a kind ear.
You don’t have to start with building schools like I did. Start small. It’s just a different way of thinking about things. Create your destiny by doing more good deeds. You in?
Trader or not, what are you doing to create your destiny through good deeds? Share your story below and inspire others. I love to hear from all my readers and we all love to be inspired. Comment below!
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