Here’s my first little birthday gift for you in honor of my 36th birthday yesterday and I HIGHLY suggest you take advantage of them ASAP
Thank you for all the kind birthday wishes, I’m overwhelmed by how supportive our community is and it makes me appreciate my job as a teacher even more so please go HERE to help me build a new school for my birthday, that’s all I want so no others gifts please, also grab my blowout birthday sales HERE and HERE and also check out the 100% FREE all to celebrate my 36th birthday yesterday, thanks to so many of you for all the well wishes!
Here’s an hourlong video I made today that I want you to watch from beginning to end as I want to share all the most important lessons I’ve learned over the years. Hopefully, they can help you on your path and get you to understand why I’m so obsessed with creating more millionaire trading challenge students:
I’ll get this important video transcribed shortly, but here’s my list of the 36 top lessons I’ve learned over the years, leave a comment below this post with which #s speak the most to you!
36 Life Lessons
1. Cut Losses Quickly
2. Life is too short to deal with negative people/those with bad attitudes, make it fun and exciting and only deal with people who are positive and worth being around.
3. Money can’t buy happiness, but it can buy freedom which allows you to find happiness and to get money you need to study hard and become an expert in at least 1 subject
4. Travel EVERYWHERE and learn about our amazing world and meet amazing people everywhere!
5. Luxuries are nice, but the happiest people I meet are also the poorest as they are grateful for just life itself so never lose sight of what really matters in life
6. We’re in a very unique time in history with the Internet being the most important invention in centuries since the printing press…don’t waste this opportunity, try multiple strategies and see what fits your personality best
7. People think billionaires are cool, they’re not…the few I’ve met and hung out with are weird as shit and mostly miserable, imprisoned by their $/fame, I only have a few million in the bank, whenever it starts getting to 8 figures I donate more to charity and always will to keep everything balanced (somewhat)
8. Dream big and study hard, there’s NOTHING you cannot accomplish if you put your mind to it no matter your background or where you live
9. Don’t let ANYONE tell you your limits, you’re capable of much more than you or anyone else believes and you might surprise yourself if you’re patient enough with any goal
10. Have patience and don’t expect success right away…don’t give up at the first sign of an obstacle, when you do get successful, you’ll appreciate those obstacles that helped mold you
11. Focus on your health, not just physical health, but also mental health too, it matters…I wish I had realized this sooner.
12. Don’t be so strict and uptight every day of your life, let loose and have a cheat day every now and then, you only live once (that’s not to say live every day like it’s your last, that’s a recipe for disaster)
13. I’ve heard of a thing called work/life balance, but every single successful person I know doesn’t have it…how badly do you want success?
14. A normal life is boring…most millionaires have multiple streams of income, don’t just rely on one strategy for everything, have multiple businesses and projects and learn to multi-task
15. Reward yourself when you do well and accomplish your goals and don’t berate yourself too badly when things don’t go well, use the bad experiences as lessons to do better.
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16. Making millions isn’t as easy as most on the Internet claims, but it is possible to do within a few years as proven by now SEVERAL of my students…and I have even more six-figure students
17. Get on social media and use it to amplify your voice/show off your expertise, it’s good to be real in this day and age, so many fakers afraid to show their real names, ENTIRE track record
18. Become an expert in whatever you love, it doesn’t matter how weird a niche it is, there’s $ everywhere these days
19. If you focus on what you love and fail you’re still happy, but if you succeed at something you don’t love you’re not happy, hence why it’s okay to fail
20. Failure is a part of EVERY journey, don’t be scared of it, embrace it and learn from it
21. You don’t have to fail spectacularly to learn spectacularly, aim small, miss small and then adapt in the pursuit of success
22. You don’t have to take out loans or steal or use leverage, if you’re diligent, hard-working, competent and patient enough, $ and success will come to you in the long run even if you’re conservative with your $
23. The best thing you can do is be happy and self-sufficient, THEN worry about helping others
24. It took me a while to find my passion in teaching/charity work, but now that I’ve found it, I’m going hardcore with both…what do you love and are you focusing on it enough?
25. Most people never discover what makes them truly happy and that’s truly sad, don’t make that mistake
26. Work on building your own dreams, not someone else’s
27. People are worried about who they hang out with and who they get influenced by, don’t hang out with anyone every now and then and focus on yourself and get influenced by your heroes
28. The world may be ending soon and there’s nothing you can do about it so just maximize every day and be grateful for what time we do have
29. Don’t worry about things you can’t control, don’t play CNBC-type guessing games, focus on things that are predictable and then try your best, like short selling pump and dumps or dip buying them for morning bounces on the first big crack!
30. Be honest, helpful, hard-working and trustworthy…why this is so hard for so many people I just don’t know? Be the change you want to see in the world.
31. Get a mentor ASAP as it helps speed up your learning curve…I never had one so now every day I try to be the mentor to you that I only dreamed of…one of my top students Steven Dux has turned $27k into $900k+ by learning from multiple mentors in my Trading Challenge which has sped up his learning BIGTIME!
32. Let the world hate on penny stocks and weird niche strategies, the mainstream are mostly idiots and don’t get angry about the idiocy, be thankful for it since it opens up opportunities
33. Search for what makes you happy and embrace it, even if others in your life don’t, YOU are in control of YOU, nobody else is.
34. Give back to those who need a little extra help, whether it’s your money or time or a little TLC, it’s all helpful and appreciated and you’ll feel good about yourself too
35. Value friends, family, people who you are close to, don’t shit on any relationship as life is long and the best things take time to develop…I’m in year 10 of my teaching career and only in the past year or so has my Trading Challenge chatroom really become extraordinary with several millionaire traders alerting/mentoring in realtime…it took a LOT of hard work/time to get to this spot
36. Just be real, you don’t need to pretend and when you do pretend not to make mistakes or be human, people know you’re faking it so cut that shit out and people will respect you more for just being human…no matter what some may say, we’re all human and very alike so have a little more faith in humanity!
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